Empowerment and Violence against women

Elif Ecem Nalcı
3 min readDec 19, 2020


Firstly, when we look at domestic violence and empowerment we know that there are many reasons to stay in a domestic violence environment. I think the most important of these reasons are the fact that women are not economically independent, they think about the future of their children, and the pressure of society (Yılmaz, 2015). When we look at these facts and violence from an individual point of view, the empowerment of the woman who is exposed to violence, that is, gaining her own money, financially securing the future of the children, standing on her feet, gives her an individual empowerment. On the other hand, the strong and independent woman does not feel socially oppressed. Because there are no people who say to him, ‘What are you going to feed your children and yourself, if you leave you and your material income will disappear’? Because she knows herself and her environment that she is individually strong and independent. In addition, studies and empowerment studies have found that violence has a great negative effect on women’s self-perception and empowerment programs have a significant effect on self-confidence and self (Yılmaz, 2015). In my opinion, individual studies, the empowerment of the woman who is exposed to violence in both psychological and social fields makes a great contribution to her. It gives him the opportunity to get rid of the helplessness and weakness he is in. In my opinion, spreading the empowerment that started individually to the society will open our way to combat violence and support us.

Secondly, I want to talk about women’s empowerment in society and social life. We know that the patriarchal structure in the society and all kinds of violence and harassment, for example, have a psychological and physical structure that affects each other. I think that when we come out without getting stronger individually and make social change and women get stronger in society, a more effective and permanent change is enabled. So how is this achieved? I think in every social phenomenon, for example, education, health, inequality in the economy, gender-based violence should be changed with the help of both the state and the society. Every step taken to strengthen the stone and ensure equality contributes to this. For example, congresses about inequality, trainings, university lectures, supporting the female employee in the business environment, eliminating unequal cases such as low wages just because she is a woman or not getting job just because she is likely to have children.
I think the empowerment of women in the economy is an important dimension in social change. Empowerment should not remain in the individual but should be carried to the public dimension. An equal future is only possible with this step. I think one of the most important points is that men should be involved in all of these, change their dominant structure in society and be educated against inequality. Being against inequality and empowering women is possible with equal information transfer and education.


Yılmaz, E. B. (2015). Şiddete Maruz Kalan Kadınlara Uygulanan Güçlendirme Programının Kendilik Değerini Artırmaya ve Stresle Başetme Biçimlerine Etkisi. [Doctoral dissertation, T.C. HACETTEPE ÜNİVERSİTESİ SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ ] http://www.openaccess.hacettepe.edu.tr:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11655/1523/a177c7e6-cd3e-4c68-bef8-3ba7ad897a8f.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

